Questions & Answers

StudioLive 32SX Overdubbing

+2 votes
asked Dec 7, 2021 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by iking15 (140 points)
edited Dec 7, 2021 by iking15
I recently just upgraded to a StudioLive 32sx and my main goal is to work on music for myself and clients without having to turn on a screen. Without SD card overdubbing you're not able to make a record with just a couple people in a room building songs from the ground up. The current problem is SD record will not let you re-record over parts even if you select one channel to record. I've been using stuido one for 10 years and I just want to give my eyes a break lol. It would be amazing if we could get overdubbing onto this machine and mini monitoring UI on the record page to see which tracks have been recorded to. I feel like many other users have also been looking for the same thing. I love the mixer it just seems more geared for Live rather than Studio.