Questions & Answers

no audio

0 votes
asked Jul 29, 2020 in Studio One 4 by b3an_d1p (120 points)
I'm not getting any audio feedback in Studio One 4, and no audio being recorded. I can see the meter receiving a signal, but when I go to record my guitar, there is nothing. Anyone else have this issue?  I've set up my interface, looked through idk how many youtube videos to possibly find and answer. And I'm still having the problem.

1 Answer

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answered Jul 30, 2020 by philipseaman (590 points)
Hey there,
which audio interface are you using? and are you on Mac or Windows?

I had something like this happen to me not too long ago and one of the solutions, I figured, was to go into my asio driver and make sure the interface I'm using is selected under the WDM Device List.

How to find this - in the main new song menu go to Studio One >Options/Preferences>Audio Device>your device or Asio4all V2>Control Panel.

There you should  be able to select your interface you would like to run under the WDM Device List. This includes looking at the 'simple view' tab ( the one that looks like a mechanical symbol) and clicking it off (it would show up as a cross symbol when selected if that makes sense).

Also, look into updating your Asio Driver,s as well Universal Control app and anything else related. Failing all that I would look to open a support ticket in your account and get one of the team members to help you.

Hope this finds you well.