Questions & Answers

starting Sphere

0 votes
asked Aug 3, 2020 in Studio One+ by joeypinter-bilek (1,050 points)
i just purchased Sphere. however, i can't find the product code or whatever it is so i can register. i also downloaded Pre Sonus Hub and i've been running Studio One v5 for over two weeks. can someone please point me in the direction to finish setting this up.

thanks so much,

joey pinter

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 3, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Best answer
You need to re-activate your installation of Studio One 5 with the Sphere License.

Go to Studio One drop down menu

Select Studio One Activation

Click where it says "Activate With Sphere"

Click Green Activate Button.

Restart Studio One.

PreSonus Hub and any add-ons will select the Sphere License to activate.
+1 vote
answered Aug 3, 2020 by cdricblanqui (7,530 points)
You don"t have a product code for sphere. Same for software like SO1 V5 in your sphere subscription.

As long as you pay (yearly or monthly) your setup is finished.

asked Feb 26, 2021 in Studio One+ by kmello (190 points) Plugins not compatible?