Questions & Answers

One MIDI track to trigger Multiple Plugins

+1 vote
asked Aug 8, 2020 in Studio One 5 by giuseppetria (1,450 points)

Is it possible to have one single MIDI track that triggers multiple Instruments?
For example, I want to have one midi track to play a layer of Piano Instruments. I want all those 3 Instruments to be triggered just by one MIDI track, so that if I edit the midi clip, I don't have to do it three times (for each instrument), but I just need to edit the single MIDI that sends the signal to all 3 Piano Instruments.

How can I do this?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 12, 2021 by thomasbusschers (260 points)
I'm looking for this answer as well. I just saw this being done in Fruityloops with the click of a should be possible in S1, righr? Anyone? Please?
+1 vote
answered Aug 12, 2021 by kisnou (4,180 points)
Hey Thomas,

This is a quite old feature request. It is possible to do that and you should look for the word 'Multi Instruments' :)