Questions & Answers

Show chords on all staves

+10 votes
asked Aug 9, 2020 in Notion Feature Requests by andrejhoevar (320 points)
It would be very useful if the chord names could be visible on all staves when needed.

For example, one might hide some parts and still show chords for the remaining one(s) during practice to add lead sheet-like functionality. I think of it as a separate layer that’s not attached to a certain part, so it can be shown or hidden as desired.

Currently, the only alternative is to copy chord symbols and paste them to every part individually, which clutters up the score.

Thanks for a great product!

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 30, 2021 by richardcampbell (570 points)
selected May 30, 2021 by andrejhoevar
Best answer

For Notion 6.8.1 you can enter the chord symbols on any stave of the score then in the menu item Score/Parts Options/Show Chords From select the stave containing the chord symbols. Now the chord symbols will show on any part selected from Score/Dynamic Parts.

0 votes
answered Sep 2, 2020 by andrevanscheers (160 points)
Borrowing chords from another track: This is a missing spec on iOS, compared tot desktop Mac Notion version.