Questions & Answers

Can the chord track have an option to add a b5 (rather than #11) so chords read more like those in a jazz fake book?

+3 votes
asked Dec 7, 2021 in Studio One 5 by kcrichmond (200 points)

In the Chord Selector, B7b5 entered from the keyboard reads as B7add#11 and has the notes B-D#-F-A-. Punched in on the selector with the B, Major, 7 and #11 buttons, it also reads as B7add#11 but has this sequence of notes--B-D#-F#-A-F. By having a b5 button, we could avoid this conflict. And with the b5 button, we could avoid the easily misread half-diminished "Bo7" and diminished "Bo7" by allowing B-7b5 to replace Bo7 as is usually the case with sheet music and fake books.
