Questions & Answers

Now that we have a notation view from within Studio One can we please have MusicXML export?

+123 votes
asked Aug 23, 2020 in Score Editor by Froschtoast (280 points)
It is great to have a score view in studio one now.  If we take it one step further and add an export or save as musicXML it would become truly useful for those of us who have to create scores in Sibelius, Finale, or Dorico.  I know that Notion is Presonus' notation program but for those of us doing notation for industry work or education that is just not an option at this point.  I love composing in Studio One and was really excited about the score editor.  But without being able to export to musicXML it is ultimately not useful for me.  Whatever specific notation editing I do in the score view is meaningless if I still have to import it to a notation program as a midi file.

15 Answers

+25 votes
answered Aug 24, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+21 votes
answered Oct 28, 2020 by Scardanelli (3,400 points)
Yep, scoring in Dorico but writing and sketching in S1 so XML would be wonderful.
+19 votes
answered Dec 2, 2020 by marksengelman (660 points)
I use Dorico for scoring and Notion sometimes as it integrates with Studio One now. Dorico is much better than Notion, but I'm eager to see if Notion becomes better, as I'm not a Steinberg fan and would like to use Notion/Studio One exclusively.

In the meantime it is essential to have xml, sorry midi is not a good enough translate.

Pretty please?
+16 votes
answered Mar 7, 2021 by stevenposner (390 points)
I use Finale for score editing.  It's much more sophisticated than Notion.  I really would rather not have one score editor for anything I do in PreSonus, and then Finale for everything else.  At least allow Studio One to export xml files, please!  MIDI files just don't translate that well.
+16 votes
answered May 3, 2021 by karimchichakly (350 points)
And import MusicXML also, please.  You should be able to go back and forth.
+18 votes
answered May 23, 2021 by emilionavas (370 points)
Import and Export MusicXML, please. Is one of the few things that I need to make Studio One my DAW for all the tasks.
+4 votes
answered Aug 28, 2021 by rogervincent (1,030 points)
I know it's been a while, and I don't know exactly when the feature to 'send to studio one' got added in Notion, but that eliminates having to export from Notion and import into Studio One, which I believe is still not possible at this point anyway (I'm referring to musicXML). But my point is, at least with Studio One 5.3 and Notion 6.8, you do not have to export a midi file from Notion, just use the 'send to Studio One' feature.
+4 votes
answered Dec 14, 2021 by caspercordes (380 points)
I do use Notion as intermediary before finishing the score in Sibelius. However, even the 'open in Notion' feature in studio one doesn't translate well... The tuplets are all being messed up, and I spend hours repeating the same work I've already done in studio one... Please allow export in musicXML. Or at least make the transition to notion more accurate...
+10 votes
answered Jan 1, 2022 by brentsmith11 (540 points)
We need to be able to export as Music XML! Let's upgrade this.
+6 votes
answered Feb 2, 2022 by rogervincent (1,030 points)
I use Dorico for notation because it is more stable and has much more advanced features than Notion.  However, Studio One 5.5 ROCKS and is light years better than Cubase.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add the ability to import and export musicXML added to Studio One?
+5 votes
answered Feb 16, 2022 by chrisgiles1 (350 points)
Here's another vote for implementing MusicXML into Studio One (Pro at least).  It would complement the score editing facilities very elegantly!
+2 votes
answered Aug 13, 2022 by thierryecuvillon (270 points)
personnally, i wait the export xml file to go in Dorico.

if you want more about notion, you loose my money for studio one 5 Pro.

it's up to you


+1 vote
answered Feb 8, 2023 by nicolasnipp1 (190 points)
I FOUND A SOLUTION! (only if you have presonus Sphere subscription or own both studio one AND notion)

From you composition in studio one, use "send to notion" option.  Then in Notion just make sure all of the notes are correct and do minor edits as needed because some things might not translate well.

Then from Notion, export as a MusicXML file and import that into Dorico, Sibelius, or Finale!!! Its an extra step but it's easier than constantly switching between you DAW session and an empty score and transcribing by ear.

Studio one NEEDS to update to have MusicXML export capabilities though. We should not have to do this workaround. They're just trying to get more money from us broke composers.
0 votes
answered Aug 9, 2024 by thierryecuvillon (270 points)
I am waiting XML import and export to upgrade my studio one.

If there is not, i don’t need it.

Thanks you all.
0 votes
answered Aug 9, 2024 by thierryecuvillon (270 points)
I am waiting XML music import and export for buying the upgrade of studio one.

If there is not, I don’t need it.

