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Need a Way to "Globally Update ALL Scenes" when a Mismatch Occurs

+20 votes
asked Aug 25, 2020 in Mixing by artjohnson (1,370 points)

In Studio one 5 Pro, if one has made several "Scenes," adding a track to one Scene seems to globally affect all other Scenes (not necessarily visually) and the label "Mismatch" appears next to all Scenes. To remove the labeling, one is obligated to "Update Scene" one scene at a time. That can be a workflow interrupt. It would be better to have, at the very least, an "Update ALL Scenes" option. 

5 Answers

+3 votes
answered Sep 7, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
Best answer

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+4 votes
answered Jan 23, 2021 by benjaminshtulman (330 points)
edited Jan 23, 2021 by benjaminshtulman

Hi! It might be pretty cool to add an option of auto-update mixer scenes. I often use scenes only for visibility and turn off all the other scene features. 

For example, 1st scene includes only drums and their bus, 2nd includes kick and bass (for sidechain setting), 3th includes only synths, 4th includes vocal tracks and their bus, etc. It's really pretty useful. 


- When I add any new Instrument, bus, audio-track or something else, I see an inscription "Mismatched" next to each scene. I have to update each scene manually and it's a really annoying process. It's needed to add an option "Auto update current scene". When the scene includes only synths and only they are visible, adding a new synth must automatically update current scene (it's a logical thing). Or if I want to open scene named "Voice" and want to add one more track into it, I'd like just add one more track and current scene must update automatically (because I work with this scene, not for the others). All the other scenes have to save their current state (because I don't change them, I change current scene that is visible at the moment). Adding this feature might be really useful. I am upset 'cause I can't do it right now and have to update each scene after adding a new track; 

- When the scenes like those are created, I'd like to have an opportunity to change scenes positions. For example, I understood I want to move scene #8 to 2nd position, but I can't do it because it's impossible (for an incomprehensible reason). The scenes are static (unfortunatelly);

- It's needed to add an option to switch the scenes by one click. For example "Switch scenes by one click".

I hope the users will get those useful features in one of next updates.

+2 votes
answered Mar 5, 2021 by BezowinZ (1,650 points)
Yeah, they completely ignored how folks were using Scenes prior to V5. I used them for what's now called Visibility. I have a drums scene, percussion, keys, guitars, etc. But since they're now linked to Arranger tracks, each time we add a new one, it has to be added to each Scene individually or else it's hidden when a Scene is selected.

Globally updating all Scenes would be cool. I'd also like to see an option to unlink Arranger tracks from Scenes.
0 votes
answered Aug 2, 2022 by BezowinZ (1,650 points)
****! This ****** me off every time I add a track to a song. I just submitted a ticket hoping this was an overseen bug. No Luck. This is the intended functionality. And I see these requests haven't received any support in almost 2 years, so I don't suspect an update on this despite how easy it would likely be.
0 votes
answered Jul 14, 2023 by rickybarr (530 points)
Yes ! Same as other's have pointed out  I use scenes mostly to switch between view's and it's a fantastic flow creating scenes with just mute and visibility enabled. That is, till you begin adding new tracks or doing any mixing to the scene. Just experienced this quirky-ness.. Oddly enough all the dynamic Eq's on the channels in the scene I was working on stopped behaving dynamically as soon as the scene became miss-matched. I don't even understand this ??? Maybe I don't want to up-date the scene. Maybe I want to try a few optional changes and then revert back to the original scene I created. I cant do that without plug-in's not working correctly ? Studio one makes great progress on every up-date, yet these updates need to be re-updated in a timely fashion to make them worth-while. It probably only takes a few weeks to get proper feedback from the user base. Why up-date a feature to all-most, nearly, just about perfect and not just take that wee bit of extra effort to push it over the edge into highly professional DAW territory or better yet into spear heading DAW territory ? Just makes no sense. ST 1 can be the DAW to rule them all :) Why the hesitation in the developers making it happen, I'll never know..I could care less about Atmos !  Just get the editing and mixing features to a point where they are head and shoulders above the rest. The nut's and bolts !