Questions & Answers

How do you permanently delete cropped material from loops?

0 votes
asked Aug 27, 2020 in Studio One 5 by kevinfoley (170 points)

I've spent two hours on this and I still cant figure it out. Here's the problem: I want to make a loop out of some audio. So I carefully trim it. Now I want to just hit alt-D or D to duplicate the loop and make a continuous drum loop. But every time I paste the new loop, it pastes the complete audio clip, the parts that I trimmed off are back. I tried bouncing the clip but the cropped out content is still there! It's maddening. How does one permanently delete material for a pasted loop?


1 Answer

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answered Aug 28, 2020 by colinotoole (16,890 points)
Strange that. I'm not sure why you are getting those results. Although already quite sure of what would happen, I just did a test: I put an audio event on a track, trimmed it (by picking the edge up and moving it sideways; or by using the trim tool - it made no difference), and then used D to duplicate the trimmed event multiple times. No problems - the trimmed event was copied exactly; and I didn't need to bounce it either. Sorry I can't help you with your issue other than to confirm expected results in my case. Cheers.