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AudioBox USB - How do I get stereo output when Mixer set to "Input"

0 votes
asked Sep 8, 2020 in AudioBox USB by omgmav (220 points)
After a recent update to Windows 10 and AudioBox drivers, I am suddenly only getting mono sound from my headphones attached to my AudioBox USB. This is when I'm not running Studio One. I have input jacks 1 and 2 connected with a stereo input signal which I chained from a second PC. This way I can get audio from a second PC. With the PC that is connected through USB to my AudioBox, I get stereo output from the "Playback" side of the mixer, and nearly 0 output when dialed all the way to "Input".

With my secondary PC output connected to the input jacks 1 & 2, I get mono output from the headhpone jack and external speakers when the mixer is dialed all the way to the "Input" side and nearly 0 output when dialed all the way to "Playback". This is mostly expected, except for the output being in Mono (output from both sides of the headphone speakers, but it's not split stereo. This is verified using a Stereo Test video from YouTube which plays sound on left and right channels independently, but I hear the sound on both sides always.

I can work around this issue when I run Studio One, where I can route the input signals to stereo ouput and turn the mixer dial to the "Playback" side to hear the sound in stereo. However, it's not great that I have to start Studio One each time, and it's obvious after playing a YouTube stereo test that the signals from the PC into the input jacks of the AudioBox are, in fact, split stereo (since the routing from within Studio One works).

So, my question is, how can I get back to hearing stereo directly from the input signal when my mixer dial is dialed all the way over to the "Input" side?

AudioBox firmware v2.70
Universal Control Win x64 (Built on Jul 3 2020)
Studio One Artist ( Built on July 3 2020)

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 10, 2020 by omgmav (220 points)

Apparently, this is normal.   I don't remember it being like this until about a month ago.   But, this is their support reply:

Hello Brian,

The AudioBox USB has mono inputs, and will be mono when monitoring using the "Mixer" knob on "Inputs". 

This is normal behavior.

In order to monitor stereo, it will be necessary to use your DAW to route the inputs to stereo and monitor on "Playback".


0 votes
answered Nov 21, 2021 by jorritgodeke (140 points)
I have the audiobox usb96. I ran into the same problem of the headphones output of the box not being in stereo. What fixed it for me was disconnecting the USB of my active speakers. The signal chain is now: PC via USB to audiobox and audiobox through line out to the speaker's line in. I suspect a conflict with having multiple USB outputs on the PC. Don't know if this can be fixed another way. For me I had to take the speaker's USB out of the chain.