Questions & Answers

How to set audiobox as an input only

+1 vote
asked May 3, 2020 in AudioBox USB by charleschaverot (170 points)
I noticed I can only record with my mic that's connected to my audiobox when that audiobox is set both as the input AND the output on Ableton Live's settings. That's an issue because my speakers are connected to the computer and not the audiobox which basiclly means I have to record in silence everytime and then switch the output back to my speakers to listen to my track with the new vocals.

Is there any way to record with the mic without having to set the audiobox as the output or will I need to buy an output (speaker or headphones) that I can connect directly to my audiobox?

Thank you

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 4, 2020 by ryanm1 (8,420 points)
Is there any interface that can do this? I think you should just get headphones or speakers, the laptop speakers aren't telling you much. Even cheap earbuds would be better (just get a 1/4 inch TRS adapter).
0 votes
answered May 4, 2020 by charleschaverot (170 points)
I have bluetooth headphones that i connect ot my laptop but I can't set them as the output AND record with my mic. Whenever I set another audio output than my audiobox the mix just doesn't record anymore