Questions & Answers

How to generate a score in Notion from a Presonus Studio One 5 Audio Track

+1 vote
asked Sep 8, 2020 in Notion by johnriggi (130 points)
I have a query regarding audio file scores in Notion.  I've written a guitar instrumental for which I would like to generate a guitar score in Notion.  Have watched numerous videos and can get close to a score but not quite there.  
What I do get in Notion is a partial song in one note (E, which is the key) with proper rhythm notation.  Basically, it looks like a percussion score.  I've exported the track to Melodyne, but in Melodyne do not have correct note blobs.  I have notes, but they are all E pitch notes.  When I drag the Melodyne edited track to a MIDI track,  I have just one note: E.

I'm sure that there is something very simple I'm not doing or doing incorrectly, however the videos I've reviewed are of no assistance.

How do I proceed in order to generate a guitar score in Notion from an audio file?  If there are appropriate videos that you have access to that I might be able to use as well, I would greatly appreciate.
John Riggi

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 6, 2021 by oddie (820 points)
Sounds like you are analysing the audio in Melodyne using the percussive or universal algorithm. You need to use the melodic (for monophonic lines) or polyphonic algorithms to identify the individual notes.