Questions & Answers

Has anyone used the Akai MPK225 with Studio One 4?

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asked Oct 13, 2020 in Studio One 5 by charlesostman (120 points)
My Akai MPKmini midi keyboard works well with my Studio One 4.

it was recognized in the external device / midi preset list, selected it, and worked perfectly in my first Studio One 4 project.

HOWEVER, I tried the same procedure with my MPK 225 midi keyboard, and nothing seems to be able to get this working.  There is no Akai MPK225 preset to select, but there are other Akai presets in the external device / midi list.  I tried everything, selecting the "Studio 1" and "generic" presets on the MPK225 itself (has its own preset list select control),  tried the various Akai *** options that were available in Studio One 4 external device / midi preset select list, but nothing.  Checked all the USB ports, cables, all the usual suspect types of hardware fails, everything works perfectly with other midi instruments that Studio One could recognize, but not the MPK225.

Dell 8910 desktop, Windows 10, 64bit

Help???  Any suggestions offered are much appreciated.