Questions & Answers

Setting Seconds to begin at a bar other than Bar 1

+4 votes
asked Feb 27, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by mixus (810 points)
edited Feb 27, 2016 by mixus
In order to time a song, I would like to request the ability to set Seconds to start at a specified bar so that there can be "pre-roll" prior to the start of MIDI / Audio. Example: Set 00:00:00.000 seconds to begin at bar 2.

This will be a nice feature for quickly determining the time (minute/seconds) for the composition.

This also allows for room when the song starts at beat 3 of a measure, for example. Plus notes won't get cut off as sometimes they do with some VI's (or printed) if there is no empty measure at the start. Thank you!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 7, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 


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You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 
