Questions & Answers

Bag in S1 5 when Run My Macro

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asked Sep 21, 2020 in Studio One 5 by fouadal-basha (4,300 points)
Dear brother ;
I creat a small  templet Macro as follow :

Console/Add Bus Channel  Name("")
Track/Add Insert to selected Channels…  (I but a plugin plugin FX chain )

When I run the maco first time in my labtop its not work properly  when I run it second time its add plugin to previous bus becuse its selected… .
The System Information as follow :
Application : studio One win x64
System : Microsoft windos 10 Pro
Version : 10.0.18362
CPU Model : Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 stepping 9
CPU Speed : 2.81 GHz
CPU Cores : 8
RAM:  16 GB


When I run this macro to different PC its work fin from first time… .
I unistall Studio one 5 and I install ot again still same problem
I need a solution for this issue
