Questions & Answers

studio one 5. Midi CC send and Receive problem with korg minilouge xd.

+1 vote
asked Sep 27, 2020 in Studio One 5 by qgsmbzno (130 points)
Hi. Ive recently got my hands on studio one 5.

I have an external synth. The korg Minilouge xd.

Every thing works fine when using the minilogue as a keyboard controller with internal synths.

When i set up the Minilogue im having problems.

When tweaking the filter for example on the minilogue it is sending the data into studio one fine.

The problem is. is that studio one is also sending the data back to the minilouge and trying to control the filter at the same time im moving it.

I think this is causing some kind of data feedback loop.

I can get around the problem by turning MIDI Rx cc and MIDI TX cc on and off as necessary but its a huge pain to do this each time i want to switch from recording the cc data to having it play back.

Is there a way to streamline this workflow?

for example when recording have studio one only receive the midi cc data and when playing back have studio one only send cc data?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Ive been scratching my head over this for days now



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 28, 2020 by radar23 (1,940 points)
turn off local control on the XD