Questions & Answers

sample rate locked to 44.1 and S1 does not give me another choice in the relevant sections

0 votes
asked Jun 1, 2017 in Studio One 3 by thomasfischer4 (150 points)
Hi, I have just installed the demo version S1 Ver. 3.5 on Asus ROG laptop Win 10 64 bit 32 Gb ram intel core i7-4750HQ 2 GHz, Realtek high definition audio card. I want to record vocals via Rolands VT3 interface. It alerts me to a sample rate mismatch saying that the VT-3 has 96 and the Project 44.1. When I load the project there are no other options than 44.1 in the scroll down menu. All other remedies in previous threats are not working because S1 only gives me 44.1 option whenever I go to the relevant menu. I want to run the project in 44.1 but how do I make the VT-3 compatible? The VT-3 has no issues in the demo version of Reaper.  I love this software but this is a serious issue for me. Also third party VST effects don't seem to load? Many thanks for your help.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 16, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Sorry to hear about the recent issues you have been experiencing with not being able to get audio from Studio One.

To best assist you, please create a ticket to technical support.

You can help me us get a better view of your hardware configuration by attaching the following requested files when you create the ticket:

You will need to have your audio hardware attached to the computer by USB or FireWire and powered on when you do this.

1. Please send me your computer's System Info file.

To access your PC’s System Information on Windows 7
1. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Information
2. IMPORTANT: Click File then "Save as", save this file as a .nfo file format and rename the file your name and attach it to this email.

To access your PC’s System Information on Windows 8 and Windows 10:
1. Go to the Desktop.
2. Press [WinLogoKey] + R to bring up 'Run'.
3. Type 'msinfo32' without quotes.
4. Press the [Enter] key.
5. IMPORTANT: Click File then "Save...," save this file as a .nfo file format and rename the file your name and attach it to this email.