Questions & Answers

Sends on Fader

+55 votes
asked Sep 30, 2020 in Mixing by anubhavukil (8,530 points)
edited Sep 30, 2020 by anubhavukil

It would be nice to have a send level window, that shows when you, say Ctrl + click on the sends in the console. Now it's always a pain in the butt to set send levels and pans with the small and really tiny slider. Also it would be nice to be able to collapse the sends in the console, like you can do it with the inserts.

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This is what the Protools' version of Send fader look like.

If you take that into account, the studio one version can look like this,I hope this will be implemented soon.

We can even have Color for each Send and that way, we can distinguish the sends visually.

5 Answers

+2 votes
answered Oct 19, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,420 points)
Best answer

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+3 votes
answered Oct 20, 2020 by adarshchandran (5,530 points)
1000 percent want this as it is easier to see the levels
+4 votes
answered Mar 16, 2021 by marcolazzari (490 points)
Need a Send fader like this. The current Send Fader is too small for precise intervention! Thanx a lot. Marco. Rome, Italy
0 votes
answered Aug 9, 2022 by matheusantunes3 (900 points)
Absolutely! It would be incredible to have this feature in studio one! Also, a polarity switch in the send itself would also be great!
0 votes
answered Sep 24, 2022 by jimmiclarke (230 points)
I thought the second image was real!! I've been wanting sends of faders for years, there's a couple of things I miss from pro tools and that's probably the main one.