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Planning to add pots per channel in future faderport or mixers?

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asked Oct 10, 2020 in FaderPort 16 by (120 points)
As an absolute fan of mixing using hw i still find funny that only few (and not cheap) 16 fader digital mixers or controllers have several pots per channel.
I find the lack of this feature a clear no go option, wether integrating these pots to each channel would be a winner choice for anyone.
It would be great tl have at least 2 fully configurable pots per channel.
While mixing, producing reggae dub, live music etc... having access to, lets say, 2 specific sends to effects in one channel and in the other a send to a different effect and the frequency value of a bell in an eq, that would be a real gamechanger in the hw industty as there's no other comoany doing this and would bring real "analog" workflow to live.
Of course, adding more pots would improve the experience, but i find 2 pots as the minimum quantity.