Questions & Answers

Faderport 16 faders not working correctly in Studio One 5 Pro or my other DAWS

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asked Aug 8, 2020 in FaderPort 16 by robtunbridge (120 points)
edited Aug 9, 2020 by robtunbridge
Hi there,

new to the Presonus family but have recently invested in a faderport16 and also in Presonus Sphere.
I have been using the faderport16 for a few weeks in Studio one5 artist and also in Cubase 10.5 and Harrison Mixbus32c without any issues but, I have just switched to Studio One 5 Pro and also updated the firmware of the Faderport to version 3.43.

Whereas before, I could alter the fader settings in the DAW from the Faderport16 now I find that I am unable to do so but, altering the fader from within the DAW, the faders on the Faderport16 reflect the changes. All the other basic controls seem to be working OK so, for example, I can mute/solo tracks, play, record, stop, select tracks etc. I've been trying to figure out what could be wrong, have re-read all of the manuals, checked configurations but just cannot figure out why the faders are only working one way.

I am running a PC with Windows 10 Pro with the latest updates. All of my DAWS, plugins etc are the latest versions and all running in 64 bit.

MY PC is a home-built machine with a Ryzen 1800X CPU (8 core 16 thread) Water-cooled, 32Gb of RAM, all hard-drives are either NVM-e or SATA drives.GPU is NVidia 1060T silent unit and my audio interface is a Steinberg UR-RT4 USB device. The PC is primarily used for Audio/Video work and all of the software is up-to-date and also, legitimate.

Any help or guidance on how to resolve this issue, (if it is one) would be very much appreciated.

UPDATE: I wondered if it might be a software issue so I did a clean install of Windows 10 and Studio One 5 along with the drivers for my Steinberg Audio device and other necessary & basic drivers. Still no joy. The faders respond to input from the DAW but, altering the faders on the Faderport has no affect on the channel strip within the DAW. All other functions on the faderport appear to be working, as expected within Studio One.