Questions & Answers

Cannot connect to the server

0 votes
asked Oct 13, 2020 in Studio One 5 by skyemc (120 points)
I bought studio one 5. Installed. Cannot activate or download the recommended installation options as it says can not connect to server. Please check internet connection. After inputting my log in details.

My internet is working fine. I have tried this with both firewall and defender turned off. I have checked the permissions when turned on. Ive re installed. Nothing same message evefy time.
Anyone had this problem solved?
related to an answer for: Sphere S One 5 Fails To Server

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 26, 2022 by bryanmiller5 (290 points)
edited Dec 26, 2022 by bryanmiller5
This seems to be a long running issue with versions 4, 5, and 6 and I have not seen a decent answer beyond check your firewall.  It would be nice if we knew which address/port the application was attempting to connect to for troubleshooting purposes.

Hello Presonus?

Update: Digging a little deeper on this, it appears that the version of TLS on Windows 7 is not compatible with the version that is expecting.  Or, rather, requiring.

For Windows 7 you will need to upgrade to TLS v1.2 as per this Knowledgebase article -
0 votes
answered Dec 27, 2022 by martinchico (420 points)
Hello Presonus?  I have been able to read several queries with the same error ("failed connect server please check internet connection again) but I can't find any answer that solves the problem. Couldn't you give us the solution to the connection error?