Questions & Answers

How Work with Double vocals using takes!

0 votes
asked Oct 20, 2020 in Studio One 5 by ilyagrigorenko (120 points)
Hello, I have a question about the work with the layers! I have 3 different vocal tracks, and I want to choose the best double from them, and leave the other two for doubles. When working with layers, is it possible that when you select a best "phrases" in layer, she change places with main?  For example: The phrase, which i select of the  2 layers, go to the main track, and this phrase on the "main track" automatically go to  2 layers. Because now when i chose the best double and exported layers to the tracks, the other two are also completely exported and i need to manually cut these phases from the main vocals and put to the another doubles so that at one moment  always  played different doubles. This is long process. Sorry for my bad english. I hope you will understand me and help.

Thank you!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 26, 2020 by newtonmiles (140 points)

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