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I would like to connect my synthetizer Yamaha in my séquencer on PC W10 with stereo sound with AUDIOBOX96 by USB

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asked Oct 25, 2020 in AudioBox USB by christophelartigue (120 points)

Before, i had an EMU-0202 USB interface and I was able to connect my synthetiser Yamaha Motif to my séquenceur on PC using inputs R et L on the interface EMU (from Ouputs L ans R of the Motif) with jacks.The sound was stereo, It was what i wanted. But now, using the Audio Box, I don't know how to do. When I connect Outputs L and R from my Yamaha Motif to the 2 Inputs Mic/inst of the Audio Box in front of the pannel, the sound is Mono and not Stereo. Could you help me please in order the sound comes Stereo ? Thanks !