Questions & Answers

OP-1 from Teenage Engineering. MIDI Sync and recording setup.

0 votes
asked Nov 9, 2020 in Studio One 5 by albertschmidt (200 points)
Hi all,

I hope someone can help me.

I am able to record the sound of the OP-1 as an external instrument trhough the line-in of my audio interface however I want to control the OP-1 via my M-Audio keyboard, as the OP-1 keyboard is not velocity sensitive. Also it would intergrate better in my DAW workflow which I developed for years now.

I read through various articles and watched many youtube videos but somehow I guess that the OP-1 is not as easy to connect as other external synths. I did not find any help for this special case.

Does anyone have experience with this?

My setup:

Computer: Windows 10, 64 bit
DAW: Studio one 5, latest version
Audio Interface: Steinberg UR22mk II, driver version:
OP-1 by Teenage Engineering
Keyboard: Keystation 61 MK3

I do have also a USB to MIDI host, but I hope it is possible to get it work w/o this host and use the audio interface only.

Thanks a lot!

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Feb 12, 2021 by quanyeomans1 (1,980 points)
selected Oct 28, 2021 by albertschmidt
Best answer
Hi, I just set this up and it works great!

Are you still needing the info or did you work it out?
0 votes
answered Oct 28, 2021 by albertschmidt (200 points)
Hi, thanks it worked for a while but since the new OP-1 update which makes it work as an interface I am facing again this issue I cannot set the OP-1 as a new instrument with getting MIDI info and sending MIDI out to the DAW. Do you have also issues now with the new OP-1 update?