Selecting banks is indeed a CC control parameter. But it's not a CC parameter linked to a specific CC number. For example, try find your transport parameters in your MIDI controller guide. There are none. It's a fixed communication channel, and cannot be programmed. It requires a different path to program them to your DAW, but it isn't part of the CC automation within any DAW. Selecting banks is also part of these transport channels. If recording bank selection would exist, it also means you could record 'play', 'stop' and even 'record' itself. That would mean you have some crazy/buggy things going on if you would play it back.
Second, consider this: If bank selection recording was a thing. How is your DAW able to figure out which bank selection it is? It would only register 'patch up' or 'patch down' during recording. That would bring another set of difficulties. For example: Every time you playback the track and return to intro, you have to manually set the bank to the starting position. And when you start a new song, and accidentally mess up the bank, you will mess it up for your previous recording as well, as it does not saved the plugin state during recording.
Using two tracks with both the same plugin, but a different bank is much easier to maintain. When saved it will always be that state. You will have two seperate entities, each track has its own sounds, which makes it easier to mix and master.
Anyway have fun making music! Good weekend!