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Multiple tracks continue to emit sound even though ALL tracks are muted

0 votes
asked Nov 11, 2020 in Studio One 4 by Adria S. (900 points)
Several tracks in a session that continue to play even though I have every track in the console muted.  The ghost tracks play even if I pull the main out volume completely down to zero.

This song does not use busses just multiple audio tracks and a couple midi/Impact/MaiTai tracks.

I've tried saving to a new folder, no luck.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2020 by tothrec (32,310 points)
I've run into this as well.  Do you still hear the ghost tracks if you close/re-open S1?
0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2020 by Adria S. (900 points)
@tothrec, yes, closing and reopening S1 doesn't make them go away.   Opening a "ghosted" session on SO5 does not make the ghost tracks go away.

The only thing that I found works is to create a new session and manually copy/paste the wav/midi tracks and recreate your mixer settings. It's a major PITA.
0 votes
answered Feb 14, 2021 by lbolen (1,040 points)
Please try my solution on this thread...and let me know please if it worked for you.

(Crosstalk was on on "Console Shaper")
0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2021 by mikeleo1 (160 points)
I have noticed muted channels still produce sound when FX Ret is left unmuted .  Not sure if this is what ProSonus intended in the design.