Questions & Answers

Should I buy new hardware for a Pro upgrade

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asked Nov 13, 2020 in Studio One 5 by markmcdaniel1 (150 points)
I'm unsure if my current hardware will run SO 5 Pro without problems.  I'm running Artist with no major issues as long as SO5 is the only thing running. The Performance Counter is usually in the high 60's of CPU.  I'd like to upgrade but want avoid buying new hardware if possible.

I'm running an old AMD A6-5200 with 8G RAM and Windows 10 Home 1909

Please let me know what you think.  Thanks

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 13, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hi.  You make no mention of what audio interface you are using.  If you're closing programs down so only Studio One is running and you are utilising 60% of your CPU, I will hazard a guess you don't have one.  Start there as that will relieve your CPU of the analogue to digital conversion process.  You can get an audio interface for about $/£100 ish.  I see you are using a laptop, so you're upgrade route is limited.  You will always benefit from more RAM, especially when you only have 8GB.  But if you can get RAM for your laptop is something I don't know.  Simply put - if you are struggling to run Artist on your computer, you will also struggle with the Pro edition.  8GB is the minimum, 16GB would be what I recommend (for plugins and head room).  Put money into something that will improve your experience with Artist edition before upgrading your software to the Pro version.  