Questions & Answers

can i change ableton lite 10 for another product?

0 votes
asked Nov 13, 2020 in MyPreSonus Questions by guillermoayos (150 points)
edited Nov 13, 2020 by guillermoayos
Ayer compré e instalé mi PreSonus 96 y, sin darme cuenta, elegí el programa Ableton Live 10 lite. No estoy interesado en Ableton Live 10 lite y me gustaría saber si perdí otro programa. Es decir, si puedo canjearlo por otro software.

(Google Translate) I bought and installed my PreSonus 96 yesterday and inadvertently chose the Ableton Live 10 lite program. I am not interested in Ableton Live 10 lite and would like to know if I missed another show. That is, if I can exchange it for other software.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Best answer
Ableton Live Lite is a free extra that comes in addition to Studio One Artist License and the other freebies we provide the StudioMagic Bundle. You are not obligated to use it, we don't have any other software to trade it for. You are not obligated to activate it, it will just sit dormant in your account. Have fun making music and for choosing PreSonus and using Studio One!