Questions & Answers

Where is my code for ableton live lite?

+1 vote
asked Oct 7, 2020 in PreSonus Hub / Plugins by jamesarthur3 (130 points)
I recently purchased the studio magic bundle and everything is in order except for my ableton live lite. I've downloaded the program but require authorization in order to use it properly. All of my other plug-ins are showing up in my 'products' section on the presonus website except for abelton, so i have no idea where the serial code is to access what I paid for. Thanks.

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Mar 27, 2021 by werneralbuquerque (190 points)
Same problem here. Does anyone know about it?
0 votes
answered Apr 10, 2022 by jorgealejandrorodriguezaldana (140 points)
Same here, but I find the solution. Sorry been too late.

The serial doesn't show on your 'products' or software, it shows on your hardware, go to hardware and select one of your purchased devices, in there you will se a 'you are eligible to redeem a Ableton Live Lite license', so there you can redeem it and then it will show on your 'products' section.