Questions & Answers

Routing several VSTs to a bus, and recording the audio

0 votes
asked Nov 14, 2020 in Studio One 5 by hkonkristiansen (140 points)
I am routing several VSTs to a bus, and feeding that bus into a stereo audio track.

 I see input on the audio tracks meter, but when I try to record, nothing happens. I have done this routing before on V4, but this time I just can get it to work
If i make a part and play that, it gets recorded..

What am I missing?

Studio one 5.1, windows 10, windows Audio driver (at this point)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 17, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hi.  Please make sure you are only monitoring the destination and not the sources.  I.e. blue speaker icon should only be lit on the track you are recording to, not from.  I had a similar issues and it went this way - I wanted a synth track to output to the input of an audio track.  Monitoring all of it caused me to not be able to record properly.  So, I armed the instrument track(s)for recording, then I armed the audio track destination and switched monitoring on on the destination track.  This way, the virtual instrument recorded the midi to the instrument tracks with a synchronized audio on a separate track.  