Questions & Answers

Request to the publishing of entire protocol data message sent/received between ucsurface and the StudioLive AI

+4 votes
asked Mar 2, 2016 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by yvesrouillaud (710 points)
For the project to build a virtual bridge between MIDI protocol and the Studiolive AI, I would like to have the entire protocol data message in a comprehensive datasheet (like MIDI message) that are sent/received between UCSurface and the StudioLive AI.

Is it possible, or is it a secret ?

Thanks for answers and vote...

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 2, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Best answer
Sorry, we do not disclose this information as this is proprietary information specific to PreSonus.
0 votes
answered Mar 3, 2016 by yvesrouillaud (710 points)
Thanks for the answers. Unfortunately, I expect it al little bit. It's a little pity because it could be a way to open possibilities by third party contributions...But business is business...I can understand it. Thanks again for your honesty.