Questions & Answers

When will I receive my Eris 7 studio monitor rebate?

+1 vote
asked Nov 18, 2020 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by bbeckpro (130 points)
I purchased the Studiolive 32 sx 5 months ago, at the time of the purchase a rebate was offered for a pair of Eris studio monitors. I have been extremely patient, but I have not heard anything from presonus about when they are going to be shipped, but when I finally do get an answer about whats taking so long, it's always, they are on back order. It would be greatly appreciated if you all would reach out to your faithful customers with some kind of explanation or we're working on it or something, but to totally ignore your customers who purchase your product seems to be very unprofessional! Please provide some sort of update to assure your customers that some progress is being made. Thank you!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 15, 2021 by stevezimmelman (170 points)
I just spoke with Presonus, they say they have some E7s coming in and should ship by mid Feb 2021.