Questions & Answers

Update to key switches when?

0 votes
asked Nov 22, 2020 in Studio One 5 by Musicmind (620 points)

I was onboard Studio One from version 1. But left again short after the first excitement. Now I'm aware that S1 ver. 5 has key switches. Though still in a rather basic version. I use VSL a lot and I need to be able to send 2 or 3 keys + controllers to switch to a certain articulation to make it work. I think I'm ready to switch from Cubase 11/Logic Pro to S1 when this feature receives an update, that will make it possible.

Anyone knows anything about when this will happen?

Regards Stig Christensen MUSICMIND

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 22, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hi there. The current version of Studio One version 5 supports key switches and articulation.   There is a version called Studio One v5 Prime, a free download that you can get from the Presonus Shop which allows you to try the newer tools (albeit with a few limitations like no VST support).  The Artist version will give you VST support for a reasonable fee.  Or, you could try Sphere - a software subscription service which give you everything for a monthly fee , which I believe has no minimum term.   Well, apart from your first month.   I am biased as i have only ever used Studio One as a DAW since V2, after the hype someone had for it.  I don't subscribe to sphere because I own most of the products I want.  However Sphere gives you access to EVERYTHING like Notion, Studio One, sample packs, instruments, f.x., Presence editor.   Professional version adds score support.  To me thats the most awesome part.  Play my keys in and then its all put on the grand stave, ready to print and pass parts to players.