Questions & Answers

SMPTE time offset please!

+8 votes
asked Sep 17, 2021 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by jayhlane (1,090 points)
Hello! in Logic there's a "song setup" menu (project settings) that has a feature that says "Bar position ( 1 1 1 or whatever ) plays at SMPTE (00:00:00.00 or whatever ). In Cubase its "set timecode at cursor" I believe in the edit pull down menu or the next one after that. This is because standard SMPTE striping on a whole tape starts at 00:59:30.00, leaving 30 seconds for the computer to lock with the tape, and your first song on tape usually will start at one hour, or 01:00:00.00. "Bar offset" in S1 is not enough (1000 Bars) or accurate with round second numbers (01:00:00.00 does not line up with an even bar number). I would like to be able to have the time be adjustable to the bars. Right now no matter what you choose in any bar or time or frame offset setting, bar one is still always at 00:00:00.00. Thank you! I hear tape is getting popular with the kids again nowadays!


Jay in San Francisco

6 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 18, 2021 by romaindescampe (3,790 points)
Hey there, not sure I fully get what you need but if you update to the latest version of studio on (5.4) there is now a "set time offset to cursor" function (right under the set frame offset to cursor)

It was a MUUUUUch needed update but it's there since like 2 days.

Hope that helps

Take care

asked Sep 18, 2021 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by jayhlane (1,090 points) now time is offset from time!
+1 vote
answered Sep 18, 2021 by jayhlane (1,090 points)
thank you soooo much!!!!!!
+1 vote
answered Sep 18, 2021 by jayhlane (1,090 points)
actually didn't that's weird. it offset the time to the time! although it looks like it adjusts when you compare time to bars ( I want bar 1 to line up at 1 hour for ex.) When seeing midi timecode it offsets it to that. ugh!
+1 vote
answered Sep 18, 2021 by jayhlane (1,090 points)
I set time offset to 01:00:00.00 because I want bar 1 to start there. It does when I play internally, or when I hit the space bar. When I play my tape S1 sees the timecode offset from what it actually is! Im not trying to offset the timecode from the timecode. Id like the timecode to stay consistent but offset the song start at bar 1
+1 vote
answered Sep 18, 2021 by jayhlane (1,090 points)
ah found it!!!!  "Set bar offset at cursor"! thank you!!!!
+1 vote
answered Feb 10, 2022 by studioj (2,080 points)
While Studio One's additions in this area are in the right direction, they haven't quite nailed it yet I don't think. The offset settings are fine if you are working at 0 hour, but if you want to set a specific point in your timeline to 1 hour or higher (common place when working with film), you have to do some calculations. A MUCH better function would be to simply have a "Set timecode position at cursor"... ie, a dialog box that lets you simply define the timecode for wherever your playback head is. So if at 47 seconds into my song, I want that point to be 01:00:00:00, I can just navigate there, open this function and type 01:00:00:00... and then that point will be at 1 hour. no calculations needed. The current "set frame offset to cursor" does not do this.