Questions & Answers

Why is Studio One 5 unable or have difficulty in loading plugins and have them operate?

+1 vote
asked Nov 29, 2020 in Studio One 5 by martingauthier (520 points)
This is an issue - 3 issues in fact - I started having in Studio One 4 and now it's worse with Studio One 5.1

UAD (Universal Audio) plugins cannot load on individual tracks or a bus without the program freeze. And even though I do not operate many plugins in a song, the software is constantly asking me to manage my plugins. This is very annoying. As well, when I close, a message appears to ask me AGAIN to save my song and when it is closed down, another message appears to say that Studio One has quit unexpectedly and asking to either Ignore, Signal or Restart.

I am using a Mac Book Pro 15 inch 2018.

Processor: 2,2 Ghz Intel Core i7

Memory: 16G 2400 MHz DDR4

Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6

Please advise on how to resolve these very thorny issues. Thanks.

Martin Gauthier

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 20, 2021 by davidalar (150 points)
I have the same problem but adding that the Universal audio plugins cannot be seen ... they appear in black. I hope they solve that soon.