Questions & Answers

Impossible to remove un-used UAD plugins?

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asked Dec 7, 2020 in Studio One 5 by Scardanelli (3,400 points)
MAC users - Does anyone know how to stop Studio One (4.6) seeing plugins that I've removed from ALL plugin folders, AU, VST & VST 3?

Universal Audio (UAD card) installs every single plugin they make when you update the software and although I've removed the plugins that I don't own from the folders I simply cannot get S1 to ignore them, I've tried re-scanning, re-setting the plugin folders, deleting the .log file, nothing works. Other manufactures I simply delete the plugin and it doesn't show up anymore in S1.

Love to get rid of these things (and another reason I'll be unlikely to buy another UAD plugin, even though I love 'em! Too much hassle - I only update the software when I really have to...)
