Well, if you go to Linux due to whatever reason you are avoiding Windows 10 for, then you will not be able to use Studio One as there is no Linux version of Studio One. Good luck running Wine and sticking an emulation layer on top of your recording.
To keep up with modern software - you need a modern operating system. If you do not choose to use a modern operating system then you will only be able to use older versions of Studio One. Windows 10 is a much better operating system than 7. (I used both and was an early adopter of 10, missing out on the travesty that was 8.0 and 8.1).
Also, I believe there are still free upgrade options to Windows 10, so it will not cost a lot. Also, there is some recording software for Linux like LMMS and others. But none of it compares to Studio One.
BUT- Studio One dropped Support for any version of Windows below a 64-bit installation of Windows 10 with the release of V5. There has never been (and I am not sure there are plans for) a Linux version Studio One. So these are your choices - Run studio one v4 one Windows 7 or upgrade your operating system to use upgraded software. You should also be aware that V5 on the Mac has dropped support for anything but Big Sur (the most recent OS for mac), I believe.