Questions & Answers

how do I use different presets on different instances of an instrument?

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asked Dec 20, 2020 in Studio One 5 by joshuayalowitz (120 points)
when I pull up a new instance of an instrument. for example Mai Tai. I select a preset. I like it... I choose to make some recording or just monitor while playing. I choose another track and want it to also be Mai Tai. I choose a different preset to get a different sound. Then I return to my first recorded track and find that the preset of the recording has been replaced with the new preset. Is it possible that you are only allowing me to use 1 instrument preset. I found the came with Impact XT.  What is I want to use different preset sounds on a recording. I am sure I am missing something. If not this is pretty dissapointing.

1 Answer

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answered Dec 20, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,060 points)
Click on 'Inst.' to the left of the mixer and check if you only have on instrument, if you have ten Impact Xts it will list ten separate Xt's. If only one is listed you need to drag the instrument to the track, for each instance you want, from  Browse > Instrument (on the bottom right.)