Questions & Answers

What do can you do when the display on the atom sq doesn't come on?

+2 votes
asked Jan 16, 2021 in Atom Pad Controllers by erasmussantos (140 points)
When I update the firmware the screen works showing me the status of the update but after that it goes back to black.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 16, 2021 by oscargarza3 (8,420 points)
Please file a support ticket so that PreSonus can track the issue and help. If you are not directly plugged into the computer through a USB port, go direct (instead of a hub, etc.). Insufficient power can make some devices act up. If you are using a desktop computer, try the back USB ports instead of the front (which tend to be hubs).
0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2022 by christophercote (200 points)
Did you ever get any fix for this problem?
+1 vote
answered Feb 23, 2022 by ryanhaessig (160 points)
I am having this same issue. Everything seems to work because I can still turn on/off mardi gras in setup. Just can't see anything. Definitely not a power issue, I have tried removing all other plugs to the controller, and even tried it on my laptop (that I had used it on, with no problems, for months) and still no luck. I also noticed it was not actually connecting to Studio One like it used to. I couldn't do the shortcuts even without the screen. Before someone says it yes the light was blue. Weird issue.. I have a ticket open with Presonus
0 votes
answered Jun 1, 2022 by abbsaloj (320 points)
Same is happening with mine. I tried everything and nothing. When the update the screen I can read from 0-100 then after the update the screen turns off.   I contacted support lets see what they say.