Questions & Answers

On the Atom SQ , can you cycle through presets?

0 votes
asked Mar 31, 2021 in Atom Pad Controllers by robinvanroon (120 points)
Can you cycle through your presets of synths like Serum or Spire Reveal in any way? Is it possible to add it in the User section?

Instead of using the mouse to click on next or previous preset to get a different sound I'd like to use a button on the Atom SQ.

Is this possible? Thanks.


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 13, 2022 by tomaszkuczyski (230 points)
You can cycle presets. Enter Instrument mode, then press "Instrumen Editor" so window with instrument appear. Now when you hold SHIFT on ATOM SQ and rotate right knob presets schoud cycle.