Questions & Answers

How can I connect Earmix16 to my CS18AI and RM32AI AVB network ? (MOTU & Persons AVB Switch available)

0 votes
asked Jan 18, 2021 in Ai Mixers by romanocunsolo (120 points)
I own a setup of CS18AI and an RM32AI (equipped with AVB Card) now I want to include 6pcs. of Earmix 16 to my setup for InEar Monitoring. Can I just connect the Earmixes to my existing AVB network ? What Firmware do I need to install into CS and RM ? Thanks for your kind help! Romano

1 Answer

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answered Jan 21, 2021 by mackjohnson1 (78,440 points)

The Ai Family uses a different AVB protocol than the Series III, they cannot directly communicate with one another. You would have to physically come out of the RM aux outs and then into a series III mixer. They detail it in the earmix manual, section 2.2.
