Questions & Answers

Auto sample rate conversion

+2 votes
asked Jan 24, 2021 in Studio One 5 by geoffreylepaysan (180 points)

I recorded sounds at 192Khz sample rate for a sound effect project to slow it down without losing sound quality.

So i created a song in Studio One with a 44,1Khz sample rate and imported my 192Khz files witch should play slowly and so pitched down.

But Studio One automatically converted the 192Khz files in 44,1Khz witch is very convinient most of the time exept for my use right now.

Is there a option to disable the sample rate conversion ?

Many thanks

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 31, 2021 by tothrec (32,330 points)
I think it needs to perform the conversion so that the audio engine only has to deal with one sample rate.

Would it be possible to perform the slow down process at 192 (in a separate process or tool) and then bring the files into S1?
0 votes
answered Feb 1, 2021 by geoffreylepaysan (180 points)
Thank you for your answer,

It's strange Studio One doesn't ask  if you want to convert the file to the song sample rate or import and "sync" the file samples to the Song sample rate.

Too bad, that's a one click process in softwares like Cubase and Pro Tools...
But I like much more Studio One's workflow and interface so i'll do as you suggested in a separate software and bring back the files in Studio One.

Thank you ;)