Questions & Answers

Notes from external instrument sounding twice

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asked Feb 6, 2021 in Studio One 5 by kellykrogman (290 points)

Hi all,

Just got a new Korg Krome EX-73 and it's truly a joy. The problem is, I set it up faithfully following Gregor's advice in the video I've included below. It worked great for an hour. Now I can't get it to stop sounding double notes to save my life. What am I missing again that isn't present? Nothing seems to resolve it. I've even written the local control settings into memory on the Korg.


Studio One 5 Pro, Steinburg UR44C Interface, Windows 10 x64 etc.

Link to Gregor's video: 

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 11, 2021 by kellykrogman (290 points)

RESOLVED! You will need to mute the input channels via the software mixer for your interface if it is a 3rd party device such as a Steinberg UR44C. Now that everything is dialed in, the latency is practically zero and the external instrument functionality of Studio One 5 is perfect. Fine tuning latency between Studio One 5 and the device panel itself is also recommended. Drop the latency low for recording (lower than 128 if possible), bounce the track to audio and then pop it up high for mixing and processing.
