Questions & Answers

How does Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Core M3 4GB perform with Studio One Artist/Pro and VLS sofftware?

0 votes
asked Mar 11, 2016 in Studio One 3 by anishsanghvi (140 points)
How does Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Core M3 4GB perform with Studio One Artist/Pro and VLS that comes with interface like 1818vsl?  Especially for recording set up with both software and not much for post processing/mastring.

1 Answer

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answered Mar 11, 2016 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
The following is strictly MY opinion and not necessarily Presonus sanctioned,m although I have been here for many years. My first impression was "small screen" 12.3" screen will become tedious very quickly with Studio one. The processor is probably ok, but 4GB of ram will slow things to a crawl as track counts and  processing mounts. i believe 4GB is the minimum spec for S1-3. VLS... HMM VSL maybe? Are we talking surface control for audiobox USB, or Audiobox VSL, or Studio192 interfaces? if so, again screen size figures in to make the experience more taxing.

Again, just my opinion...