Questions & Answers

Using Studio Live III Rack mixer

0 votes
asked Feb 24, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by Hattrick (180 points)

 I am approaching the final stages of my studio build and am considering a Studio Live III rack mixer.  Can this be placed in a tracking room but be controlled via my PC in a control room via my studio network?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 24, 2021 by douglasbaker (170 points)
if your looking to control the SL3 rack mixer only you can run the ethernet output on the unit directly using ethernet cable into ethernet port on your lap top (using universal controller) but you can't record to laptop as ethernet port is only a control point. running a wireless router from rack unit , your laptop will see it but it still will only control rack functions. The only way to get the rack unit to record/ playback through the laptop is: AVB ( which is on the rear of the rack unit) or USB (on rear of unit). AVB has over 100 ft cable length   you can run but Windows 10 doesn't support this, or USB -but the cable length is short < 10ft. I wound up going with USB cable to laptop -then running ethernet snake (which can go over 100 ft) to 24R unit. The Presonus studo live 3 boards  have the AVB feature  built in so you can station the rack unit where you like-you just have to run the single cable. If you recording USB on windows 10, then USB is the only way recording will work (both DAW and universal control).