Questions & Answers

Why am I only getting a mono signalfrom my AudioBox iOne?

0 votes
asked Mar 14, 2016 in AudioBox USB by kevinhall2 (200 points)
I have my AudioBox iOne plugged via USB into my MacBook.  I'm using GarageBand.  GarageBand sees the AudioBox and it shows up as a stereo device, but when I record something it only records to one channel.  Any help is appreciated.

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Mar 14, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
Best answer
If you're recording a MONO source like ONE microphone or ONE guitar then you need to use a MONO channel.


You can not record a mono device to a stereo channel or else you will only get signal on one side.
0 votes
answered Mar 14, 2016 by kevinhall2 (200 points)
Thanks for the response.  I just assumed the iOne took the single input and sent it out as a stereo signal (yes, I know both sides would be the same, but it would have a left and a right) which is what I am used to with my other input devices...