Questions & Answers

Surround Mixing! It is so needed.

+23 votes
asked Mar 17, 2021 in Mixing by taylorscott2 (4,300 points)
Please introduce surround mixing. This DAW can not compete with others in the Post audio, and even composing fields.

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jun 17, 2021 by composerman1 (180 points)
I am a Pro Tools user and I really want to get off of the AVID treadmill, but switching to Studio One isn't an option for me without native surround sound mixing and a built-in surround panner that can be configured for the desired surround sound output.

I am not a programmer, but if Presonus could add this native support in the next build I would switch in a heartbeat. I'm not bashing Pro Tools. I like it and it works well for me, I just don't want to have to keep paying to upgrade my software, or be forced to do so.
0 votes
answered Jul 12, 2021 by bryanwilson5 (2,690 points)
+1 here. I REALLY want to do all of my TV/Film audio post in S1 but the lack of 5.1 or 7.1 Surround is killing us. We LOVE S1 and we made the complete change to PreSonus and Surround is NOT just for TV/Film. We are seeing a ton of reissue box sets (Petty, Lennon, Harrison, McCartney, etc.) making 5.1 and even 7.1 Surround mixes of their audio so it is also a now common music tool.