Questions & Answers

Can I use a different audio box which is not the preSonus brand with the preSonus software

0 votes
asked Mar 21, 2021 in Revelator Series by derrickwillis (120 points)
Can I use a different audio box which is not the preSonus brand with the preSonus software ?

Can I  transfer my preSonus software to another PC?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 21, 2021 by trogfish (1,920 points)

You are asking two diffferent questions.  The short answer to both is "Yes."

Longer versions:
"Can I use a different audio box which is not the preSonus brand with the preSonus software ?"

You can use many different brands of sound devices with the software.  It doesn't have to be Presonus brand.

Presonus Studio one gives you multiple machine authorizations.  So yes, you can run / install Studio One on more than one machine.

These questions and more are pretty clearly answered on the main Presonus web pages, like here:
