Questions & Answers

Rendering slower than real time

0 votes
asked Mar 24, 2021 in Studio One 5 by radosawdoliski (670 points)

Couldn't find this question anywhere else so here we go :)

My renders in my main template got really slow lately (even 3 times slower than realtime). I suspect some plugin or instrument causing that but really can't find the cause of that and eliminate it. Is there a way of checking what may cause this without completely destroying my template?

EDIT: When I was writing this my Studio One crashed on me and I run it without Windows Audio Support option and my render is 1.6 faster than real time again. O.o

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 24, 2021 by risotto (2,250 points)
selected Apr 1, 2021 by radosawdoliski
Best answer
Normally the significantly slower exports come from oversampling settings for export. Some plugins support different oversampling settings for real-time playback and offline export.
0 votes
answered Apr 3, 2021 by radosawdoliski (670 points)
Thanks! That seems to be the problem. That was pretty much a session where I tried some funky stuff with oversampling. I disabled all the oversampling options in plugins and the export went back to normal speed.

Thank you!