Questions & Answers

Plugins Freezing SO5.2

0 votes
asked Mar 28, 2021 in Studio One 5 by douganderson2 (430 points)
I've noticed since upgrading to 5.2 that plugins are freezing the program. Not all of them but Waves seems to be the main culprit. Sometimes I can load them ok but when I try to open them back up for editing the program freezes completely. I have updated all of my plugins to current versions.

Anyone else with this issue?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 30, 2021 by douganderson2 (430 points)
An update. It turns out that because I was running two monitors there was not enough umph to display the plugins.

Never had an issue before 5.2 but resolved now with one monitor. If anyone has a suggestion for a new graphics card that would be appreciated.

My specs

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8600K CPU @ 3.60GHz (6 CPUs), ~3.6GHz

32 Gigs RAM

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
0 votes
answered Apr 1, 2021 by KoreyCreative (2,070 points)
In my opinion your GPU is overkill for music work. You should be able to handle 4+ monitors with a GTX 1060 6GB with no worry to resolution. I would guess it's an update to the VSTi inside Studio One not playing with an old update VST plugin or something.

If I recall, Studio One (5.2) just got "hardware acceleration", you could disable that to see if it works better. Also updating your Nvidia drivers could help if you haven't updated in sometime.